Monday, January 14, 2008

Course Structure and Grading Policies

Homework problems will be assigned at the end of each lecture. Your final score for the course will be computed as follows:
  • Computer Labs: 15% of the course grade. []
  • Quizzes: 20% of the course grade. Only the 10 best scores are counted.
    A ten-minute quiz will be given during the problem session. there will be no make-up quizzes, since only the bet 10 grades count toward the course grade.
  • Midterms: each test counts 15% for a total of 45% of the course grade.
    There will be three in-class midterm exams scheduled as follows:
    1. Test #1: FEB 12
    2. Test #2: MAR 04
    3. Test #3: APR 10
    No make-up tests will be given. Only medical, death in the family, religious or official USC business reasons are valid excuses for missing a test and must be verified by letter from a doctor, guardian or supervisor to the instructor.
  • Final Exam: 20% of the course grade.
The course grade will be determined as follows:
A 90%-100%
B+ 85%-89%
B 80%-84%
C+ 75%-79%
C 70%-74%
D+ 65%-69%
D 60%-64%
F below 60%

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